Edge Data Center Benefits For Multi Nations Business

Edge Data Center Benefits For Multi Nations Business

Edge data center provides a way for enterprises with distributed locations to shift their data processing closer to their users and cut back on network latency. With edge computing, organizations can perform tasks like image recognition without sending vast amounts of...
Data Center Clean Energy is Becoming ‘the Next Big Thing’

Data Center Clean Energy is Becoming ‘the Next Big Thing’

It’s becoming clear that something has to be done about the massive amounts of energy used by these centers. Data center clean energy will become one of the following big things in the tech world. The reason for this is simple: we need a massive amount of energy...
Outside Jakarta Data Center Network Latency Still High

Outside Jakarta Data Center Network Latency Still High

Latency (the amount of time it takes for a piece of data to get from one place to another) is important for any data transfer, which includes the data center network latency. This is the time it takes for server-to-server communication within a data center. High...
Data Center Providers Could Make This World Better or Worsen

Data Center Providers Could Make This World Better or Worsen

Data centers are on the rise in this digital era. There’s much leeway for data center providers to be environmentally responsible in their practices, but there are a few harmful ways they could go about it. When many countries struggle to balance the need for...
How To Properly Manage Your Data Center Environment

How To Properly Manage Your Data Center Environment

Managing a data center environment is a challenging task. Several factors must be considered before attempting to control and protect an environment, such as cost constraints, time constraints, and human resources. As with any system, the data center should be...
Green Data Center Consultant Can Bring More Perspective

Green Data Center Consultant Can Bring More Perspective

A green data center consultant brings a fresh perspective to the data center industry, which its routine can bog down. They can offer alternative ideas about how to run a data center more efficiently and economically. These alternative ideas are what make a...

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