Data Center Clean Energy is Becoming ‘the Next Big Thing’

Data Center Clean Energy is Becoming ‘the Next Big Thing’

It’s becoming clear that something has to be done about the massive amounts of energy used by these centers. Data center clean energy will become one of the following big things in the tech world. The reason for this is simple: we need a massive amount of energy...
Data Center Providers Could Make This World Better or Worsen

Data Center Providers Could Make This World Better or Worsen

Data centers are on the rise in this digital era. There’s much leeway for data center providers to be environmentally responsible in their practices, but there are a few harmful ways they could go about it. When many countries struggle to balance the need for...
How To Properly Manage Your Data Center Environment

How To Properly Manage Your Data Center Environment

Managing a data center environment is a challenging task. Several factors must be considered before attempting to control and protect an environment, such as cost constraints, time constraints, and human resources. As with any system, the data center should be...
Data Center Governance to be More Environmentally Friendly

Data Center Governance to be More Environmentally Friendly

The first step in creating an effective data center governance model is to understand why it is necessary. While this seems like common sense, many organizations still need to take the time to consider why they need a governance model within their data centers. In...
Why Will Green Data Centers Companies Win the Future?

Why Will Green Data Centers Companies Win the Future?

Green data center companies are working hard to develop the most efficient data storage methods. These efforts make them some of the most sought-after companies in the industry and have paved the way for their success in the future. Green data center companies solve...
How big is the data center’s carbon footprint by country?

How big is the data center’s carbon footprint by country?

A data center’s carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by a data center and its supporting infrastructure. Data centers are large electricity consumers. The industry has been criticized for neglecting its potential to reduce greenhouse gas...

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